Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012


i would like to write an entry with english just so i can improve my decent english...check his out..:p

i'm no longer living there since i'm going to high school. i've been living in surabaya ever since i graduated from junior high and never been back there. as i live here, there are a lot of people who only hear Tembagapura from news and never been actually there like i did. Their impression about Tembagapura kinda make me upset. all they know (and heard) from the news are the bad image of tembagapura. about how the mine are owned by foreign people, how the brutally destroyed the environment to get the mine materials, how they not well payed the labor there, OPM, people got shoot in the car, terror and many other bad things. one thing for sure they never exposed the good of Tembagapura which is so shame si for me and me friends and i think to all people who ever lived there, for us Tembagapura is HEAVEN...
the land was so beautiful, u can transport everywhere by bus for free, free education for locals kids and also comers, free houses, free electricity, not mention the beauty of the city it seld.. here are some picture of it...

i been practically grown up there and the one thing i can say is the best city i ever lived in and i can't wait to live there again..
so for u mean people, stop being mean about something u don't know. because u know nothing. we gonna defend our beautiful city from hater like u guys..
peace and loony..

1 komentar:

  1. Good English! Nice site! Could you possibly post your Tembagapura photos to Wikimedia Commons? I need photo for Tembagapura article in English Wikipedia.
