Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

Cant get over you

Okaaay.. Another post writen in english. Not because my english is that good but simply because it is too ambarrasing to be writen in Bahasa.. Hahahaha*facepalm*

I'm simply can't get over Somebody.. Can u see how ambarrasing this is? I'm forced to get married while i'm still can't get over Somebody.. Who is this Somebody? My ex.. I know, pathetic.
We were together so long2 time ago.. Lost contact since then and I think I will never in touch with him again even though I wanted too.. But be careful with what you wish for it might come true and mine is and if may I add, in a super bad(or good) timing..

And right now, if u read my previous post, u notice that I'm geting married in april and i'm still struggling About whether I make a right decision, who I really want to be with, will I spend the rest of my life with the wrong person, will I cheat on my marriage..
That kind of question simply filled my head and successfully keeping me wake all night..
Huaaaaaa.. Super stress..