Its been a long time since i wrote here.. everything is better now.. thank God.. financial, mental and physical.. yeeeeaahhh... high five to God.. thank u, thank u..
Now the other thing
Ok i'm a globophobic.. for any of you who doesn't know what a globophobic is, i'm afraid of BALLOON.. yeess the squiky sound they make, afraid if the poped just.. scary!!!
Lately my EF students know about it and they make fun about it.. i hope its stay fun because if they really bring a balloon in the class then hancur berantakanlah harga diriku.. ngahahahaha
Funny stories about balloon though happen with my own mother..
Its happen on pizza hut in jambi
Mom : mbak boleh minta balonnya gak?
Petugas PH : cuma buat anak kecil ini ibu.
Mom : walah mbak saya lho makan di sini habis hampir 400 ribu masak minta balonnya satu aja ga boleh.
Petugas PH : ya udah deh bu mau bentuk apa?
Mom : beruang mbak.
Petugas PH : ini bu balonnya.
Mom : makasih mbak (walking out)
Funny part
Mom : nih balon e buat kamu.
Me : lho ngapain? *menjauh
Mom : ya ini td tak mintain balon buat kamu
Me : aku lhoooo ga suka baloooon!!!
Mom : lho kamu emange takut sama balon tah? Sejak kapan
Me : #hakdess# ya wes luamaaa.. aq lho takuttt ga sukaaa..
Mom : ealah tiwas aq ngeyel minta balon e ternyata kamu takut. #berlalu
Kenapaaaahhh dr smua orang di dunia yg tau aku takut balon mamaku dewe malah engga tauuu n dengan entengnya ngasiiihhh.. efek LDR ini mesti..
Guomiiik caaak..
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