Senin, 26 Januari 2015


Wow.. heavy title..
Well so far, i hate my life... Ha. Ha. Ha.
Why? Don't know..
When wise man says that there's a silver lining behind everything.. well I hope I find my silver lining soon, to explain unfortunate events happen recently (well entirely) in my existence #crossing fingers

Am i ungraceful? Am i can't see people who less fortunate than me? Am i complaining too much? Maybe.. maybe not.. i do still can feel emphaty very deeply even sometimes lead to simphaty.. complaining, off course i am but there are a lot of people who complain worse than me.. :p

Geezz.. i guess i just frustrated with decisions that i made (or didn't make) so far that i considered as wrong decisions and lead to miserable life. Is it lack of objective judgement or i'm the one who just too hard to pleased? #perfectionist press here#

Praying, praying, praying..
Stop complaining

Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Jamnya blogspot

Sek talah.. ini ada yg aneh. Jamnya blogspot ini kok mabok se?? Aku tadi post postingan sebelumnya subuh2 lha kok tulisannya 13.00 padahal di daftar entrinya udah bener jamnya sesuai sama pas aku nulis.
Aku iki mesti yang goblik n gaptek.
Ya udahlah biarin wes gak tau cara ngerubahnya lagi males utek2. Dari hp susah soalnya. Bobok dulu ya, bye..


Second post already. Am I productive or what.. ngahahaha.. naaah, it's happened every year. Excited at first but demotivated at mid year till the end of the year and repeat again. Story of my life bingit lah, cepat bosaaan.

Ok, back to the (sadly) topic. I'm really F-A-T (anak blm lulus TK juga tauu). Tapi tapi tapiii dulu engga looo. Waktu SMA sampe awal kuliah berat badan bisa nyampe 52 aja uda sukuuuur banget. Sekarang? Minum aer aja jadi daging. Berat badan? Stuck di 65.
Waeeee?? Oh waeeeee? Kenapaaah?
Kalo dilihat pola makan sama aja kok sama dulu, kalo diliat frekuensi oleh raga sama juga sama dulu (sama2 malas #keplakdirisendiri) walaupun dulu masih sering renang sih,  semales2nya seminggu sekali lah. Nah, kenapa sekarang susyah banget turunnya? Pernah sakit dbd seminggu pun turunnya cuma 3 kg. Seminggu kemudian back cat (red:balik koceng) ke berat badan normal. Duuuuh, udah ga sedap di pandang, nyari baju susah, ngelakuin apa2 ngos2an, memalukan.. belum lagi masalah krisis PeDe yang belakangan semakin meroket #halah #byehotpant&miniskirt.
Oiya trus ada crita lagi waktu kemaren ngajar kelas high flyer H. Ada satu murid yang kualem banget, kalo ngomong alusss dan kemaren dengan enteng dan innocentnya ngomong "miss, are u pregnant?" (Miss kamyu hamil?) Omigodddd,rasae kayak ketibanan panda right in my face. I'm not even married yet!! Am I that fat?! Mualuuu rasaeee. And the humilliation continues. Waktu ngajar itu kan pake kaos yg agak rendah lehernya and you know what's that 9-10 years old kids was gossiping? My boobs. Oh meeeennn, i'm so ambbarased, karena mereka tu bisik2 ngomongnya tapik KEDENGERAAAN! Miss lila lho susunya besar ya.. trus cekikikan #hakdess
Wahai bumi telan aku sekaraaang..

Target 2015:turun at least 8 kg.. kalo gagal di lanjut 2016 #cedih #kebanyakanalesan #pemalas

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015


Its been a long time since i wrote here.. everything is better now.. thank God.. financial, mental and physical.. yeeeeaahhh... high five to God.. thank u, thank u..
Now the other thing

Ok i'm a globophobic.. for any of you who doesn't know what a globophobic is, i'm afraid of BALLOON.. yeess the squiky sound they make, afraid if the poped just.. scary!!!

Lately my EF students know about it and they make fun about it.. i hope its stay fun because if they really bring a balloon in the class then hancur berantakanlah harga diriku.. ngahahahaha

Funny stories about balloon though happen with my own mother..
Its happen on pizza hut in jambi

Mom : mbak boleh minta balonnya gak?
Petugas PH : cuma buat anak kecil ini ibu.
Mom : walah mbak saya lho makan di sini habis hampir 400 ribu masak minta balonnya satu aja ga boleh.
Petugas PH : ya udah deh bu mau bentuk apa?
Mom : beruang mbak.
Petugas PH : ini bu balonnya.
Mom : makasih mbak (walking out)
Funny part
Mom : nih balon e buat kamu.
Me : lho ngapain? *menjauh
Mom : ya ini td tak mintain balon buat kamu
Me : aku lhoooo ga suka baloooon!!!
Mom : lho kamu emange takut sama balon tah? Sejak kapan
Me : #hakdess# ya wes luamaaa.. aq lho takuttt ga sukaaa..
Mom : ealah tiwas aq ngeyel minta balon e ternyata kamu takut. #berlalu

Kenapaaaahhh dr smua orang di dunia yg tau aku takut balon mamaku dewe malah engga tauuu n dengan entengnya ngasiiihhh.. efek LDR ini mesti..
Guomiiik caaak..